Laughter is the best medicine :)

01/20/2015 00:05

Nothing feels as good as laughing incredibly hard. It feels good inside & deserves to be seen :). Do more of what makes you happy. Enjoy the life you live,love the life you live. Just for a moment at least, forget about the stuff that upsets you. Laugh your heart out until you can't laugh any harder. Laughter/happiness is something you get from yourself. If you really want to be happy/laugh.. nobody should be able to take it away from you. Every day might not be good,but there is always something good in every day. Make the rest of you life,the best of your life. Laugh as often as you possibly can. You deserve nothing less than to laugh & enjoy the life you live. Don't let anyone take that laughter/happiness away from you. Even when it feels impossible,try harder to not let anyone bring you down. Don't forget I'm always here if anyone needs to talk, or a good laugh :)