Making someone laugh..

02/21/2015 21:53

Making someone laugh when they are feeling down is such a great feeling, really it is. Not only are you making someone else forget about the bad things for a bit,putting a smile on their face,hearing them laugh,but you are also making your own day. When you can make someone else happy,make someone else's day, it becomes happiness to you as well. It just feels so great to be able to spread a laugh/smile around with people. Yes there are bad & terrible things/people in the world who can bring you down, BUT if you over power the negative with more positive it will be a lot better. You can definitely do it,as long as you put your mind to it you can & will be able to see more positive in your life. So let go of all the toxic things & people that don't make you happy. And make some room for the people & things that will make you happy.I guarantee as soon as you can let go of the bad things that weigh that beautiful smile down,you will smile & laugh so much more & see beauty in everything. Life can be a great journey you just have to want it to be great. Set your mind to it & it will happen. You deserve to laugh,smile & to enjoy life. So let yourself be happy & spread that spirit with others as well. :)