Turn around a bad day :)

02/03/2015 13:42

-Listen to a favorite song & sing along. Listening to music you like can change your mood and even help depression. Try to choose positive/up lifting/fun songs that you can sing along to/dance to. Uptown funk-Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars,Drops of Jupiter- Train,Your beautiful-James Blunt, & Happiness- Alexis Jordan are some of my favorites.

-If you have a pet- Petting & playing with a pet can improve your mood.It can have such positive outcomes that therapists use animals to help with healing. Owning a pet can improve your self esteem & your well being as well. Even try stopping by an animal shelter or volunteering they are always looking for someone to interact with.

-Giving or getting a hug- the next time you are feeling a bit down,reach out to your partner,a close friend or a relative, I bet you will feel better.

-Write about what bothers you& write about what you are grateful for-Writing is a great way to release stress since it gets off your chest & out of your mind.It will make dealing with your stress a little easier. Now write about what is bothering you & how you feel about it. Then write about what you are grateful for. This will bring you into a positive mindset which should help you feel better.

-Don't get sad if you lose. It's hard to find much to smile about when you fail,but how else will you improve yourself? If you look at failure as a part of the process,you'll stay positive & pursue your goals for as long as it takes.

-You deserve love & happiness. Think of something you are thanful for,like the cup of coffee you had this morning,the sweet animal you are or go home to every day, the healthy set of eyes that allow you to read all this. It's so easy to lose sight of the little things when you are upset. I challenge you to break that trend. The next time you are upset,think about something that makes you happy. Your negative thoughts will have no power over you when you stop lingering on to them. Let go of the negative & focus on the good in your life.